Legal & Regulatory advisory services - Project examples
Regional - FWC BENEF 2013 - Multiple Framework Contract to Recruit Short-term Services - Lot 4
The objective of the FWC was to provide, via individual assignments defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, short-term expertise at very short notice.
The expertise refered to any stage of a project (except financial audits) and covered the following sectors: fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal), hydraulics, renewable energies (solar thermal, PV, hydro, wind, biomass, biofuels, geothermal, wave and marine), power grids (national/regional/cross-border, mini-grids, smart grids), energy services market development, institutional frameworks for energy management, energy sector studies/statistics/indicators, rural electrification, nuclear safety (nuclear power plant operation, operation of non-power generating nuclear or radiological installations, design safety, safeguards, non-proliferation, radio-active waste and its transport, offsite emergency preparedness, decommissioning; training of nuclear regulator and/or operator staff on nuclear safety topics).
The expertise covered any geographic area, within or outside the EU.
intec's services
intec's services were focused on the areas of fossil fuels, power grids, rural electrification and renewable energies.