Power distribution systems - Project examples
Haiti - Construction of a Modern Dispatching
The present project constitutes Component 3 of the new investment programme for the energy sector in Haiti (PRELEN) which is supported by the major donors active in the sector. It aims at assisting EDH in the technical field, more specifically in the construction of a modern dispatching.
The existing dispatching was built in 1981 and manages the 115 and 69 kV levels on the generation and transmission side and the 12.47 kV level on the distribution side. The monitoring and dispatching of the network presently is done through permanent surveillance of the system frequency and by means of radio communication with the operators of the substations and the power plants.
intec's services
- Implementation studies and detailed engineering; engineering reports
- Preparation of the tender dossiers
- Launching of the tender and assistance during the tender period
- Bid evaluation, preparation of contract documents and contract enforcement
- Organisation and coordination of construction works
- Monitoring and supervision of works, quality control, receipt of material in the factory and on site
- Certification of contractors' invoices
- Preliminary and final acceptance
- Reporting.
Electricité d'Haïti (EDH)Financing
International Development Agency (IDA)Period of implementation
24.10.2017 - 23.10.2019 -
Viet Nam - Solar PV plant Phuoc Thai 2 and 3 - Gap closing in the preparation phase
The project concept design prepared by the Project Executing Agency EVN provides for 200 MWp of solar generation in three phases. The Government of Vietnam has requested financing support from German Financial Cooperation via KfW.
Phase 1 provides for 50 MWp, including DC to 22 kV AC invertors, a control building, access roads and a new 2 x 125 MVA 220/22 step-up substation to interconnect with EVN´s existing 220 kV double circuit transmission line.
The subsequent Phases 2 (100 MWp) and 3 (50 MWp) under KfW funding will add an additional 150 MWp of solar generation in the selected areas.
intec's services
- Gap-closing on the technical pre-feasibility and feasibility study prepared by a local engineering consultant
- Due Diligence report
- Independent yield assessment, including a solar resource assessment
- Grid integration study (production curve, steady-state analysis, dynamic analysis, know-how transfer)
- Implementation concept and initial technical specifications
- Cost estimates
KfW Development BankFinancing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
06.2018 - 05.2019 -
Cambodia - Extension of the medium distribution grid
The objective of the project is to upgrade and expand distribution and transmission infrastructure for increased access to energy, improved electricity services for the rural population and to contribute to primary energy savings.
The tentative scope of the project is the following:- Component 1: Extension of the medium distribution grid (either 22 kV or/and 35 kV, incl. station transformers) in the rural areas
- Component 2: Construction of two new 115/22 kV grid AIS and GIS substations for strengthening the power evacuation to the 22 kV grid
intec in its role as the Consultant shall undertake investigations to assess the technical and economic justification of the planned transmission system expansion.
intec's services
- Brief review of the context of the power sector
- Assessment of the power sub-sector transmission & distribution in the project area, incl. a network analysis
- Survey of AIS and GIS substation areas and review of conceptual AIS and GIS substation design, and provision of an analysis of a potential new AIS and GIS substation
- Review of a future AIS and GIS Substation in the centre of Siem Reap
- Review of proposed enhancement of the MV transmission system
- Identification of additional investment needs
- Conceptual Design of the proposed measures
- Review of operation and maintenance concept and identification of training needs
- Cost estimates and investment budget
- Impact assessment and indicators (climate mitigation, access to electricity, local economic development)
- Economic and financial analysis
- Draft implementation concept, procurement plan and project timetable
- Risk assessment
Electricité du Cambodge represented by KfWFinancing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
08.2018 - 02.2019
Haiti - Construction of a Modern Dispatching
The present project constitutes Component 3 of the new investment programme for the energy sector in Haiti (PRELEN) which is supported by the major donors active in the sector. It aims at assisting EDH in the technical field, more specifically in the construction of a modern dispatching.
The existing dispatching was built in 1981 and manages the 115 and 69 kV levels on the generation and transmission side and the 12.47 kV level on the distribution side. The monitoring and dispatching of the network presently is done through permanent surveillance of the system frequency and by means of radio communication with the operators of the substations and the power plants.
intec's services
- Implementation studies and detailed engineering; engineering reports
- Preparation of the tender dossiers
- Launching of the tender and assistance during the tender period
- Bid evaluation, preparation of contract documents and contract enforcement
- Organisation and coordination of construction works
- Monitoring and supervision of works, quality control, receipt of material in the factory and on site
- Certification of contractors' invoices
- Preliminary and final acceptance
- Reporting.
Electricité d'Haïti (EDH)Financing
International Development Agency (IDA)Period of implementation
24.10.2017 - 23.10.2019Viet Nam - Solar PV plant Phuoc Thai 2 and 3 - Gap closing in the preparation phase
The project concept design prepared by the Project Executing Agency EVN provides for 200 MWp of solar generation in three phases. The Government of Vietnam has requested financing support from German Financial Cooperation via KfW.
Phase 1 provides for 50 MWp, including DC to 22 kV AC invertors, a control building, access roads and a new 2 x 125 MVA 220/22 step-up substation to interconnect with EVN´s existing 220 kV double circuit transmission line.
The subsequent Phases 2 (100 MWp) and 3 (50 MWp) under KfW funding will add an additional 150 MWp of solar generation in the selected areas.
intec's services
- Gap-closing on the technical pre-feasibility and feasibility study prepared by a local engineering consultant
- Due Diligence report
- Independent yield assessment, including a solar resource assessment
- Grid integration study (production curve, steady-state analysis, dynamic analysis, know-how transfer)
- Implementation concept and initial technical specifications
- Cost estimates
KfW Development BankFinancing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
06.2018 - 05.2019Cambodia - Extension of the medium distribution grid
The objective of the project is to upgrade and expand distribution and transmission infrastructure for increased access to energy, improved electricity services for the rural population and to contribute to primary energy savings.
The tentative scope of the project is the following:
- Component 1: Extension of the medium distribution grid (either 22 kV or/and 35 kV, incl. station transformers) in the rural areas
- Component 2: Construction of two new 115/22 kV grid AIS and GIS substations for strengthening the power evacuation to the 22 kV grid
intec in its role as the Consultant shall undertake investigations to assess the technical and economic justification of the planned transmission system expansion.
intec's services
- Brief review of the context of the power sector
- Assessment of the power sub-sector transmission & distribution in the project area, incl. a network analysis
- Survey of AIS and GIS substation areas and review of conceptual AIS and GIS substation design, and provision of an analysis of a potential new AIS and GIS substation
- Review of a future AIS and GIS Substation in the centre of Siem Reap
- Review of proposed enhancement of the MV transmission system
- Identification of additional investment needs
- Conceptual Design of the proposed measures
- Review of operation and maintenance concept and identification of training needs
- Cost estimates and investment budget
- Impact assessment and indicators (climate mitigation, access to electricity, local economic development)
- Economic and financial analysis
- Draft implementation concept, procurement plan and project timetable
- Risk assessment
Electricité du Cambodge represented by KfWFinancing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
08.2018 - 02.2019-
Mauritania - Development of the Eastern Zone Electricity Systems
The project included studies and works supervision services for the following technical measures:
- Construction of hybrid thermal power plants (PV) with related energy storage:
Néma Power Plant: 4 MW diesel, 2 MW solar PV, 500 kW energy storage,
Adel Bagrou Power Plant: 2 MW diesel, 1 MW solar PV, 250 kW energy storage.- Construction of 15, 33, 90 and 225 kV lines:
Centre line Néma - Achemim - Derouich Water Catchment Area (126 km line and MV/LV substations)
Centre line Néma - Amourj - Adel Bagrou - Boghle Water Catchment Area (3 lines with a total length of 255 km, and HV/LV substations)
Centre line Néma - Timbédra (170 km line and HV/LV substations)
Centre line Aioun - Doueirare (35 km line and HV/LV substations)- Reinforcement and development of new electricity distribution networks (0.4 - 33 kV).
intec's services
Phase 1: Studies and Assistance to the Client
- Execution of detailed engineering,
- Execution of detailed design,
- Establishment of tender documents,
- Assistance to SOMELEC during the procurement phase, from tender launch to conclusion of the contracts with the Contractors.
- Environmental and social impact assessment.
Phase 2: Monitoring and Supervision of Works
- Monitoring of the implementation studies,
- Monitoring of equipment manufacturing,
- Participation in testing and factory acceptance tests (FATs),
- Supervision and control of works,
- Monitoring of the training of SOMELEC's staff.
Mauritanian GovernmentPeriod of implementation
03.2013 - 12.2018 -
Tanzania - Zanzibar Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Programme
The EU has formulated a comprehensive programme to support the RE and EE Initiative in Zanzibar. This includes the supply and installation of wind and solar measurement equipment (separately contracted) and the recruitment of consultancy services for the implementation of the programme in 2 lots: the present study work (Lot 1) and technical assistance for the implementation of RE and EE projects to be separately contracted as Lot 2.
intec's services
- Collection and analysis of wind and solar resource data for a period of 12 months resulting in a wind map for the archipelago, in the confirmation of 5 wind sites and of 3 solar farm sites for feasibility analyses
- Grid impact study: load flow, static and dynamic analysis, maximum penetration estimation, capacity factor calculation, estimation of needed rotational reserve and report preparation.
- Logistics study for wind parks and solar farms (harbour/landing facilities, transport and construction equipment, access roads, etc.; development of a logistics plan)
- Wind flow modelling for selected sites and solar PV potential, inter alia development of a digital terrain model (DTM) for the pre-selected sites
- Output prediction for wind parks and solar PV farms incl. selection of wind turbines and PV panels to consider, loss and risk analyses
- Feasibility studies for wind parks, solar farms and solar home systems (SHS), incl. preliminary project designs and cost estimates, grid integration studies (33 kV), SCADA, civil engineering, financial and economic analyses, preliminary standardized design of SHS, and procurement and construction schedule
- Evaluation of regulatory requirements (permits and licenses, land use, laws on construction and operation of wind parks and solar farms)
- Environmental and social impact assessments (EIA and SIA), including development of an environmental monitoring and management plan (EMMP)
The Alternate National Authorizing Officer (NAO), Ministry of FinanceFinancing
European CommissionPeriod of implementation
1.8.2015 - 01.09.2018 -
Iraq - Technical Support for the German "Credit Facility to Assist the Return of IDPs" in Iraq
The Government of Germany, through KfW, provides a credit facility (Untied Financial Loan, UFL) for stabilization and recovery of the liberated territories, and to assist the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Contents of the project is the assistance to the Ministry of Electricity (MoE) in the preparation of an investment programme ("investment measure") and a related technical support component ("accompanying measure"), to assess and plan measures for the rehabilitation of the transmission and distribution networks for re-establishing power feeders to the end users. This results into an "Investment Plan for the Power Sector in Northern Iraq", consisting of Phase I for immediate implementation, and Phase II for complementary required investments.
Measures identified for Phase I include the rehabilitation of one 132/33 kV, 3 x 63 MVA GIS substation and three 132/33/11 kV AIS substations, supply of three 132/33/11 kV, 3 x 63 MVA power transformers, supply of 132 kV transmission line towers and accessories for rehabilitation of six transmission lines, supply of eight 33/11 kV, 31.5 MVA mobile substations, five 33/11 kV, 31.5 MVA power transformers and supply of distribution transformers 11/0.4 kV, different power ratings, as well as distribution kiosks and accessories.
Measures identified for Phase II include the rehabilitation of a 400/132/11 kV, 4 x 250 MV GIS substation, the construction of two new 132/33 kV, 3 x 63 MVA GIS substations, the construction of two new 33/11 kV, 3 x 31.5 MVA distribution substations and the construction of 154 km new double circuit transmission line.
intec's services
- Analysis of relevant data collected from MoE, KfW and other institutions, i. a. a list of priority projects
- Mission to Baghdad for interviews and collection of additional information
- Evaluation of the current energy supply and definition of the baseline scenario in the target regions
- Analysis of different investment measures (distribution / transmission), based on predefined criteria and proposal of suitable investments
- Selection of appropriate investment schedules and procurement packages
- Preparation of an implementation plan and presentation of results in a workshop with key stakeholders
- Preparation of tender documents
- Support to the Ministry of Electricity during tendering, tender evaluation and finalisation of contracts.)
- Preparation of ESMP documents
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
5.7.2017 - 31.8.2018
Mauritania - Development of the Eastern Zone Electricity Systems
The project included studies and works supervision services for the following technical measures:
- Construction of hybrid thermal power plants (PV) with related energy storage:
Néma Power Plant: 4 MW diesel, 2 MW solar PV, 500 kW energy storage,
Adel Bagrou Power Plant: 2 MW diesel, 1 MW solar PV, 250 kW energy storage.
- Construction of 15, 33, 90 and 225 kV lines:
Centre line Néma - Achemim - Derouich Water Catchment Area (126 km line and MV/LV substations)
Centre line Néma - Amourj - Adel Bagrou - Boghle Water Catchment Area (3 lines with a total length of 255 km, and HV/LV substations)
Centre line Néma - Timbédra (170 km line and HV/LV substations)
Centre line Aioun - Doueirare (35 km line and HV/LV substations)
- Reinforcement and development of new electricity distribution networks (0.4 - 33 kV).
intec's services
Phase 1: Studies and Assistance to the Client
- Execution of detailed engineering,
- Execution of detailed design,
- Establishment of tender documents,
- Assistance to SOMELEC during the procurement phase, from tender launch to conclusion of the contracts with the Contractors.
- Environmental and social impact assessment.
Phase 2: Monitoring and Supervision of Works
- Monitoring of the implementation studies,
- Monitoring of equipment manufacturing,
- Participation in testing and factory acceptance tests (FATs),
- Supervision and control of works,
- Monitoring of the training of SOMELEC's staff.
Mauritanian GovernmentPeriod of implementation
03.2013 - 12.2018Tanzania - Zanzibar Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Programme
The EU has formulated a comprehensive programme to support the RE and EE Initiative in Zanzibar. This includes the supply and installation of wind and solar measurement equipment (separately contracted) and the recruitment of consultancy services for the implementation of the programme in 2 lots: the present study work (Lot 1) and technical assistance for the implementation of RE and EE projects to be separately contracted as Lot 2.
intec's services
- Collection and analysis of wind and solar resource data for a period of 12 months resulting in a wind map for the archipelago, in the confirmation of 5 wind sites and of 3 solar farm sites for feasibility analyses
- Grid impact study: load flow, static and dynamic analysis, maximum penetration estimation, capacity factor calculation, estimation of needed rotational reserve and report preparation.
- Logistics study for wind parks and solar farms (harbour/landing facilities, transport and construction equipment, access roads, etc.; development of a logistics plan)
- Wind flow modelling for selected sites and solar PV potential, inter alia development of a digital terrain model (DTM) for the pre-selected sites
- Output prediction for wind parks and solar PV farms incl. selection of wind turbines and PV panels to consider, loss and risk analyses
- Feasibility studies for wind parks, solar farms and solar home systems (SHS), incl. preliminary project designs and cost estimates, grid integration studies (33 kV), SCADA, civil engineering, financial and economic analyses, preliminary standardized design of SHS, and procurement and construction schedule
- Evaluation of regulatory requirements (permits and licenses, land use, laws on construction and operation of wind parks and solar farms)
- Environmental and social impact assessments (EIA and SIA), including development of an environmental monitoring and management plan (EMMP)
The Alternate National Authorizing Officer (NAO), Ministry of FinanceFinancing
European CommissionPeriod of implementation
1.8.2015 - 01.09.2018Iraq - Technical Support for the German "Credit Facility to Assist the Return of IDPs" in Iraq
The Government of Germany, through KfW, provides a credit facility (Untied Financial Loan, UFL) for stabilization and recovery of the liberated territories, and to assist the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Contents of the project is the assistance to the Ministry of Electricity (MoE) in the preparation of an investment programme ("investment measure") and a related technical support component ("accompanying measure"), to assess and plan measures for the rehabilitation of the transmission and distribution networks for re-establishing power feeders to the end users. This results into an "Investment Plan for the Power Sector in Northern Iraq", consisting of Phase I for immediate implementation, and Phase II for complementary required investments.
Measures identified for Phase I include the rehabilitation of one 132/33 kV, 3 x 63 MVA GIS substation and three 132/33/11 kV AIS substations, supply of three 132/33/11 kV, 3 x 63 MVA power transformers, supply of 132 kV transmission line towers and accessories for rehabilitation of six transmission lines, supply of eight 33/11 kV, 31.5 MVA mobile substations, five 33/11 kV, 31.5 MVA power transformers and supply of distribution transformers 11/0.4 kV, different power ratings, as well as distribution kiosks and accessories.
Measures identified for Phase II include the rehabilitation of a 400/132/11 kV, 4 x 250 MV GIS substation, the construction of two new 132/33 kV, 3 x 63 MVA GIS substations, the construction of two new 33/11 kV, 3 x 31.5 MVA distribution substations and the construction of 154 km new double circuit transmission line.
intec's services
- Analysis of relevant data collected from MoE, KfW and other institutions, i. a. a list of priority projects
- Mission to Baghdad for interviews and collection of additional information
- Evaluation of the current energy supply and definition of the baseline scenario in the target regions
- Analysis of different investment measures (distribution / transmission), based on predefined criteria and proposal of suitable investments
- Selection of appropriate investment schedules and procurement packages
- Preparation of an implementation plan and presentation of results in a workshop with key stakeholders
- Preparation of tender documents
- Support to the Ministry of Electricity during tendering, tender evaluation and finalisation of contracts.)
- Preparation of ESMP documents
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
5.7.2017 - 31.8.2018-
Guinea - Conakry Electrical Networks (PREREC 2)
PREREC 2 aims at contributing to the improvement of the government and financial management of EDG, at assisting the government in the reform of the subsector and at extending the electricity distribution network in the Lambandji, Kobaya, Wanindara and Yattayah quarters of the country's capital. It is a follow-up to the first project, PREREC 1.
The project foresees the construction of the following installations:
- 20 km of mixed MV/LV lines
- 87 km of LV lines
- 49 kiosk MV/LV substations
- 20,000 consumer connections and installation of 20,000 prepaid meters
- 3,500 street lighting units
intec's services
- Technical control of design
- Inspection of equipment and materials in the factory
- Supervision of works on the site
- Commissioning testing
- Final taking-over
- Delivery of all professional and technical services and assistance in line with FIDIC directives
- On-the-job training
Electricité de Guinée (EDG)Financing
African Development Fund (ADF)Period of implementation
2015 - 2018 -
Niger - PV Hybridization of Diesel-Based Mini-Grids in Niger
The Government of Niger has been striving to increase electricity access and has set an ambitious goal of increasing the access rate to 60% by 2027. The objective of this assignment is to conduct the feasibility study of the hybridization with PV and expansion of access to electricity of several existing diesel-based isolated grids throughout Niger and managed by NIGELEC.
intec's services
- Georeferencing and analysis (GIS) of mini grids managed by NIGELEC
- Analysis of hybridization options and potential for grid expansion and access increase of access to electricity
- Elaboration of pre-feasibility study of the selected isolated grids
- Mid-term workshop to select final set for feasibility studies
- Site visit to each of the selected isolated grids at the feasibility stage, including demand assessment
- Elaboration of feasibility study of the selected isolated grids
- Training with national stakeholders
World BankFinancing
World BankPeriod of implementation
02.11.2016 - 30.06.2018 -
Mauritania - Solar Energy-Based Rural Electrification in the Aftout Elchargui Region
The Mauritanian Government initiated a national strategy to provide universal access to basic services (water, energy, telecommunication) in rural and suburban areas. In this context, the Government received a loan from the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) for the implementation of strategic investments in electricity infrastructure, one of the components being consultancy services for project supervision. The project includes mainly:
- the procurement and installation of (i) one solar PV plant with an estimated capacity of 2.6 MWc and storage, (ii) a diesel back-up system to complement the electricity production (2 diesel gensets), and the optimisation of the envisaged electricity production as per the prevailing conditions
- the construction of approx. 270 km of HV transmission networks and approx. 60 km of LV distribution networks as well as approx. 6,000 consumer connections
intec's services
Mission 1: Detailed technical studies, including environmental and social impact studies for the equipment which is divided into 3 lots (power plants and their optimisation, HV networks, LV networks): Elaboration of preliminary design and detailed design for the chosen options, including technical specifications and dimensioning, engineering, functional specifications for the equipment, soil investigations, topography, BoQ etc., and elaboration of tender documents.
Mission 2: Support to the Employer during tendering: Site visits with the Bidders, reply to Bidders' queries, bid evaluation and support to the Employer during contract negotiations for the EPC contracts.
Mission 3: Technical control and supervision of works: Management of the implementation works, scheduling and steering of site works, and assistance during acceptance operations.
Agence de Promotion de l'Accès Universel aux Services (APAUS)Financing
Islamic Development Bank (IDB)Period of implementation
2016 - 2018
Guinea - Conakry Electrical Networks (PREREC 2)
PREREC 2 aims at contributing to the improvement of the government and financial management of EDG, at assisting the government in the reform of the subsector and at extending the electricity distribution network in the Lambandji, Kobaya, Wanindara and Yattayah quarters of the country's capital. It is a follow-up to the first project, PREREC 1.
The project foresees the construction of the following installations:
- 20 km of mixed MV/LV lines
- 87 km of LV lines
- 49 kiosk MV/LV substations
- 20,000 consumer connections and installation of 20,000 prepaid meters
- 3,500 street lighting units
intec's services
- Technical control of design
- Inspection of equipment and materials in the factory
- Supervision of works on the site
- Commissioning testing
- Final taking-over
- Delivery of all professional and technical services and assistance in line with FIDIC directives
- On-the-job training
Electricité de Guinée (EDG)Financing
African Development Fund (ADF)Period of implementation
2015 - 2018Niger - PV Hybridization of Diesel-Based Mini-Grids in Niger
The Government of Niger has been striving to increase electricity access and has set an ambitious goal of increasing the access rate to 60% by 2027. The objective of this assignment is to conduct the feasibility study of the hybridization with PV and expansion of access to electricity of several existing diesel-based isolated grids throughout Niger and managed by NIGELEC.
intec's services
- Georeferencing and analysis (GIS) of mini grids managed by NIGELEC
- Analysis of hybridization options and potential for grid expansion and access increase of access to electricity
- Elaboration of pre-feasibility study of the selected isolated grids
- Mid-term workshop to select final set for feasibility studies
- Site visit to each of the selected isolated grids at the feasibility stage, including demand assessment
- Elaboration of feasibility study of the selected isolated grids
- Training with national stakeholders
World BankFinancing
World BankPeriod of implementation
02.11.2016 - 30.06.2018Mauritania - Solar Energy-Based Rural Electrification in the Aftout Elchargui Region
The Mauritanian Government initiated a national strategy to provide universal access to basic services (water, energy, telecommunication) in rural and suburban areas. In this context, the Government received a loan from the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) for the implementation of strategic investments in electricity infrastructure, one of the components being consultancy services for project supervision. The project includes mainly:
- the procurement and installation of (i) one solar PV plant with an estimated capacity of 2.6 MWc and storage, (ii) a diesel back-up system to complement the electricity production (2 diesel gensets), and the optimisation of the envisaged electricity production as per the prevailing conditions
- the construction of approx. 270 km of HV transmission networks and approx. 60 km of LV distribution networks as well as approx. 6,000 consumer connections
intec's services
Mission 1: Detailed technical studies, including environmental and social impact studies for the equipment which is divided into 3 lots (power plants and their optimisation, HV networks, LV networks): Elaboration of preliminary design and detailed design for the chosen options, including technical specifications and dimensioning, engineering, functional specifications for the equipment, soil investigations, topography, BoQ etc., and elaboration of tender documents.
Mission 2: Support to the Employer during tendering: Site visits with the Bidders, reply to Bidders' queries, bid evaluation and support to the Employer during contract negotiations for the EPC contracts.
Mission 3: Technical control and supervision of works: Management of the implementation works, scheduling and steering of site works, and assistance during acceptance operations.