Projects worldwide
intec has executed and is implementing large and complex projects in nearly all regions of the world.
The projects listed on the website represent only a selection of our project references.
Our projects
Liberia - Biomass Power Potential and Possible Renewable Energy (RE) Investment Projects
The "Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program" (SREP) of the Strategic Climate Fund will be financing the Liberia Investment Plan for Renewable Energy (IPRE) that aims to support the Government of Liberia's objective to provide access to electricity in rural and urban areas.
The present study is intended to locate, identify and outline potential SREP/IPRE projects, investment possibilities and opportunities of biomass-based mini-grids for rural electrification in Liberia, at a pre-feasibility level.
intec's services
- Stakeholder meetings in Monrovia
- Data collection in rural areas
- Evaluation of practical potential for power generation from biomass within a reasonable reach of a MV line
- Assessment of likely or priority electricity demand and preparation of electricity demand curve for the biomass prospect
- Technical and economic assessment of competing use of biomass
- RS and GIS mapping of biomass resources
- Identification and definition, at concept level, of 5 commercially and economically viable rural electrification projects
- Development of five possible project concepts including rural electrification schemes, load centres, conceptual power system level designs, cost and risk estimates, O&M issues, training needs, required environmental and social reviews, legal issues, maps, economic and financial analysis, and impacts on competing economy
- Training and know-how transfer
African Development BankFinancing
African Development BankPeriod of implementation
07.2015 - 04.2016 -
Uzbekistan - Development of Wind Power Potential
Uzbekistan intends to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by diversifying the energy generation mix. Several small-scale wind power installations exist, most of them, however, have local (off-grid) or pilot character. The project studied and assessed the potential for installing wind generation facilities on an industrial scale.
intec's services
Mesoscale Modelling and Site Assessment
- Countrywide wind resource modelling using a three dimensional flow model for the calculation of wind fields.
- Validation of the wind resource model by cross reference with wind measurement data and long-term correlation.
- Identification of commercially viable wind project sites.
- Preparation of tender documents for the procurement of ISO/Measnet-compliant wind measurement systems including development of technical specifications, review and analysis of ISO/Measnet compliancy of proposals.
Wind Measurement Programme
- Development of a wind measurement programme with ISO/Measnet-compliant wind measurement systems.
- Micrositing and analysis of wind measurement mast locations.
- Monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of wind data collection over a period of 12 months.
- Bankable wind resource assessment report based on wind measurement data, long-term correlation with historical climate data and wind field modelling using the industry standard WaSP model.
Preparation of a Pre-Feasibility Study for Two Wind Project Sites
- Detailed technical assessment and determination of an electrical and civil design and layout for the installation of a wind farm.
- Economic assessment determining the commercial viability of the project.
- Determination of logistical infrastructure for the implementation of the wind project.
- Transportation study.
- Environmental impact assessment.
- Preliminary design and evaluation of the electric grid connection.
- Development of an operations and maintenance implementation plan.
- Noise and flicker studies.
Transfer of knowledge: Development and presentation of wind project workshop modules for training of Client's staff in the areas of:
- Wind resource assessment,
- Mesoscale wind climate modelling,
- Wind measurement campaigns,
- Wind project development phases,
- Wind farm economic modeling,
- Wind farm operations.
- Wind farm operations.
Uzbekenergo SJSC / UE Talimarjan Thermal Power Plant (TTPP)Financing
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)Period of implementation
02.2014 - 04.2016 -
Regional - EU Programmes on Energy Efficiency
Countries: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
The project aimed at supporting financial intermediaries (FIs) and final beneficiaries (FBs) during the implementation and operation of EU Programmes on energy efficiency ("Facilities"). These facilities combine grants provided by the EU with EIB credit lines which aim at promoting the implementation of energy efficiency projects (sub-projects) in the EU and EU candidate countries. EU and EIB established a new facility called "Green Initiative" which covered Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.
The Consultant's role was to assist the EIB and to support FIs and FBs in the implementation and operation of the Green Initiative and other similar facilities to be managed by the EIB. Services to be provided by the Consultant were two-fold: general assignments, i.e. assistance to the FIs and FBs, but also services directly related to specific energy efficiency subprojects.
- General assignments include sub-project pipeline screening, marketing activities, training to FIs and general support to FIs.
- Specific sub-project-related services include preparation of sub-project applications for financing, sub-project verifications, energy audits, and energy performance certificates.
intec's services
- Lead on engineering activities for all sub-projects in Poland, and contribution to this work in other countries,
- Sub-project preparation and development of procedures and forms to ensure their eligibility, i.e. energy assessments, energy audits,
- Support to marketing and awareness raising for investments in sustainable energy projects in Poland,
- Training and capacity building to project financing institutes, local engineers and SMEs,
- Support to sub-project origination processes and preliminary screening,
- Establishment of pre-approved small-scale sub-projects for Poland,
- Local project management and administration for Poland.
European Investment Bank (EIB) and National BanksFinancing
European Investment Bank (EIB)Period of implementation
09.2012 - 04.2016
Liberia - Biomass Power Potential and Possible Renewable Energy (RE) Investment Projects
The "Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program" (SREP) of the Strategic Climate Fund will be financing the Liberia Investment Plan for Renewable Energy (IPRE) that aims to support the Government of Liberia's objective to provide access to electricity in rural and urban areas.
The present study is intended to locate, identify and outline potential SREP/IPRE projects, investment possibilities and opportunities of biomass-based mini-grids for rural electrification in Liberia, at a pre-feasibility level.
intec's services
- Stakeholder meetings in Monrovia
- Data collection in rural areas
- Evaluation of practical potential for power generation from biomass within a reasonable reach of a MV line
- Assessment of likely or priority electricity demand and preparation of electricity demand curve for the biomass prospect
- Technical and economic assessment of competing use of biomass
- RS and GIS mapping of biomass resources
- Identification and definition, at concept level, of 5 commercially and economically viable rural electrification projects
- Development of five possible project concepts including rural electrification schemes, load centres, conceptual power system level designs, cost and risk estimates, O&M issues, training needs, required environmental and social reviews, legal issues, maps, economic and financial analysis, and impacts on competing economy
- Training and know-how transfer
African Development BankFinancing
African Development BankPeriod of implementation
07.2015 - 04.2016Uzbekistan - Development of Wind Power Potential
Uzbekistan intends to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by diversifying the energy generation mix. Several small-scale wind power installations exist, most of them, however, have local (off-grid) or pilot character. The project studied and assessed the potential for installing wind generation facilities on an industrial scale.
intec's services
Mesoscale Modelling and Site Assessment
- Countrywide wind resource modelling using a three dimensional flow model for the calculation of wind fields.
- Validation of the wind resource model by cross reference with wind measurement data and long-term correlation.
- Identification of commercially viable wind project sites.
- Preparation of tender documents for the procurement of ISO/Measnet-compliant wind measurement systems including development of technical specifications, review and analysis of ISO/Measnet compliancy of proposals.
Wind Measurement Programme
- Development of a wind measurement programme with ISO/Measnet-compliant wind measurement systems.
- Micrositing and analysis of wind measurement mast locations.
- Monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of wind data collection over a period of 12 months.
- Bankable wind resource assessment report based on wind measurement data, long-term correlation with historical climate data and wind field modelling using the industry standard WaSP model.
Preparation of a Pre-Feasibility Study for Two Wind Project Sites
- Detailed technical assessment and determination of an electrical and civil design and layout for the installation of a wind farm.
- Economic assessment determining the commercial viability of the project.
- Determination of logistical infrastructure for the implementation of the wind project.
- Transportation study.
- Environmental impact assessment.
- Preliminary design and evaluation of the electric grid connection.
- Development of an operations and maintenance implementation plan.
- Noise and flicker studies.
Transfer of knowledge: Development and presentation of wind project workshop modules for training of Client's staff in the areas of:
- Wind resource assessment,
- Mesoscale wind climate modelling,
- Wind measurement campaigns,
- Wind project development phases,
- Wind farm economic modeling,
- Wind farm operations.
- Wind farm operations.
Uzbekenergo SJSC / UE Talimarjan Thermal Power Plant (TTPP)Financing
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)Period of implementation
02.2014 - 04.2016Regional - EU Programmes on Energy Efficiency
Countries: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
The project aimed at supporting financial intermediaries (FIs) and final beneficiaries (FBs) during the implementation and operation of EU Programmes on energy efficiency ("Facilities"). These facilities combine grants provided by the EU with EIB credit lines which aim at promoting the implementation of energy efficiency projects (sub-projects) in the EU and EU candidate countries. EU and EIB established a new facility called "Green Initiative" which covered Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.
The Consultant's role was to assist the EIB and to support FIs and FBs in the implementation and operation of the Green Initiative and other similar facilities to be managed by the EIB. Services to be provided by the Consultant were two-fold: general assignments, i.e. assistance to the FIs and FBs, but also services directly related to specific energy efficiency subprojects.
- General assignments include sub-project pipeline screening, marketing activities, training to FIs and general support to FIs.
- Specific sub-project-related services include preparation of sub-project applications for financing, sub-project verifications, energy audits, and energy performance certificates.
intec's services
- Lead on engineering activities for all sub-projects in Poland, and contribution to this work in other countries,
- Sub-project preparation and development of procedures and forms to ensure their eligibility, i.e. energy assessments, energy audits,
- Support to marketing and awareness raising for investments in sustainable energy projects in Poland,
- Training and capacity building to project financing institutes, local engineers and SMEs,
- Support to sub-project origination processes and preliminary screening,
- Establishment of pre-approved small-scale sub-projects for Poland,
- Local project management and administration for Poland.
European Investment Bank (EIB) and National BanksFinancing
European Investment Bank (EIB)Period of implementation
09.2012 - 04.2016-
Burkina Faso - Reinforcement of Electrical Infrastructure and on Rural Electrification (PRIELER):
Objective of this project was the elaboration of draft studies that deliver sufficient justification for the implementation of the following works:
- Restructuring and extension of the electrical networks of Ouagadougou,
- Construction of the 132 kV interconnection line Zano - Koupèla.
Design studies, preliminary cost estimates, time schedules, detailed design, and tender dossiers were prepared to determine all requirements for an efficient implementation of the two projects.
A feasibility study was carried out for the interconnection line Zano - Koupèla resulting in the detailed design for the line, including line route study, environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA), and the choice of the substation locations.
intec's services
- Determination of the technical feasibility of the two projects;
- Preliminary engineering studies;
- Determination of the economic and financial feasibility of the projects;
- Preparation of detailed design for the two projects;
- Preparation of tender documents;
- Capacity building for the staff of SONABEL and PRIELER through training and transfer of technical know-how.
Société National d'Electricité du Burkina - SONABELFinancing
African Development BankPeriod of implementation
07.2011 - 03.2016 -
India - Pre-feasibility Study on Land-Neutral Photovoltaic
This pre-feasibility study examined the economic viability of distributed power generation from solar PV. Given the scarcity of land in a densely populated country such as India, it focused on canal-topped or floating solar panel arrays in the states of Kerala and Maharashtra.
intec's services
General overview and evaluation of the concepts of canal-topped and floating solar PV:
- Technical aspects and requirements (modules, framework structures, statics, technical restrictions from canal maintenance, expected output, climatic effects, impact on the water body, grid connection, safety and access),
- Cost-based comparison of system configurations and economic analysis of generation costs,
- Identification and evaluation of social, environmental and climate aspects,
- Lessons learnt from similar projects, inter alia in Gujarat,
- Comparison of concepts and recommendation,
- Establishment of a criteria checklist for selecting future projects.
Development of a project pipeline in Kerala:
- Identification of up to 10 projects with an accumulated capacity of 200 MW or more
- Evaluation and comparison of these sites according to the checklist, possibilities for extension on adjoining land, identification of power off-takers, establishment of rough time frames for implementation, proposal of indicators for measuring the project's success incl. performance data to be achieved
- Brief overview of relevant institutions and expertise in India: policy at national and state level, situation and perspectives of the electricity sector in Kerala, overview of the partner institution KIIDC (Kerala Irrigation In-frastructure Development Corporation) and its capacities for planning, building and operating such projects, identification of other relevant institutions, overview of companies that have installed or are operating canal-topped or floating PV systems.
Additional services in Maharashtra State:
- Evaluation of proposed potential project sites and assessment of their constraints and opportunities
- Comparison of estimated generation costs with the results for Kerala
- Establishment of a shortlist of most promising sites
- Assessment of power off-taker and grid connectivity of the sites
- Summary of results in a pre-feasibility study report.
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
04.2015 - 03.2016 -
Kenya - 400 kV Loiyangalani - Suswa Transmission Line
A 428 km 400 kV transmission will transport the power generated by the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) project to the national grid at Suswa, via Baragoi, South Horr, Marti, Morijo, Longewan, Rumuruti and Ol Kalou.
Work under the project included review of basic design, technical specifications and engineering design for the double-circuit line (steel lattice towers, composite insulators and ACSR conductors, double OPGW).
The project was carried out for Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) with financing from African Development Bank (AfDB).
intec's services
- Conductor study
- Insulation coordination study
- Wind study
- Basic design
- Technical specifications
- Calibration of PLS CADD and tower programs
- Tower and foundation design
- Tower spotting with LIDAR technology
- Tower type testing.
ISOLUX CORSANPeriod of implementation
05.2011 - 02.2016
Burkina Faso - Reinforcement of Electrical Infrastructure and on Rural Electrification (PRIELER):
Objective of this project was the elaboration of draft studies that deliver sufficient justification for the implementation of the following works:
- Restructuring and extension of the electrical networks of Ouagadougou,
- Construction of the 132 kV interconnection line Zano - Koupèla.
Design studies, preliminary cost estimates, time schedules, detailed design, and tender dossiers were prepared to determine all requirements for an efficient implementation of the two projects.
A feasibility study was carried out for the interconnection line Zano - Koupèla resulting in the detailed design for the line, including line route study, environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA), and the choice of the substation locations.
intec's services
- Determination of the technical feasibility of the two projects;
- Preliminary engineering studies;
- Determination of the economic and financial feasibility of the projects;
- Preparation of detailed design for the two projects;
- Preparation of tender documents;
- Capacity building for the staff of SONABEL and PRIELER through training and transfer of technical know-how.
Société National d'Electricité du Burkina - SONABELFinancing
African Development BankPeriod of implementation
07.2011 - 03.2016India - Pre-feasibility Study on Land-Neutral Photovoltaic
This pre-feasibility study examined the economic viability of distributed power generation from solar PV. Given the scarcity of land in a densely populated country such as India, it focused on canal-topped or floating solar panel arrays in the states of Kerala and Maharashtra.
intec's services
General overview and evaluation of the concepts of canal-topped and floating solar PV:
- Technical aspects and requirements (modules, framework structures, statics, technical restrictions from canal maintenance, expected output, climatic effects, impact on the water body, grid connection, safety and access),
- Cost-based comparison of system configurations and economic analysis of generation costs,
- Identification and evaluation of social, environmental and climate aspects,
- Lessons learnt from similar projects, inter alia in Gujarat,
- Comparison of concepts and recommendation,
- Establishment of a criteria checklist for selecting future projects.
Development of a project pipeline in Kerala:
- Identification of up to 10 projects with an accumulated capacity of 200 MW or more
- Evaluation and comparison of these sites according to the checklist, possibilities for extension on adjoining land, identification of power off-takers, establishment of rough time frames for implementation, proposal of indicators for measuring the project's success incl. performance data to be achieved
- Brief overview of relevant institutions and expertise in India: policy at national and state level, situation and perspectives of the electricity sector in Kerala, overview of the partner institution KIIDC (Kerala Irrigation In-frastructure Development Corporation) and its capacities for planning, building and operating such projects, identification of other relevant institutions, overview of companies that have installed or are operating canal-topped or floating PV systems.
Additional services in Maharashtra State:
- Evaluation of proposed potential project sites and assessment of their constraints and opportunities
- Comparison of estimated generation costs with the results for Kerala
- Establishment of a shortlist of most promising sites
- Assessment of power off-taker and grid connectivity of the sites
- Summary of results in a pre-feasibility study report.
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
04.2015 - 03.2016Kenya - 400 kV Loiyangalani - Suswa Transmission Line
A 428 km 400 kV transmission will transport the power generated by the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) project to the national grid at Suswa, via Baragoi, South Horr, Marti, Morijo, Longewan, Rumuruti and Ol Kalou.
Work under the project included review of basic design, technical specifications and engineering design for the double-circuit line (steel lattice towers, composite insulators and ACSR conductors, double OPGW).
The project was carried out for Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) with financing from African Development Bank (AfDB).
intec's services
- Conductor study
- Insulation coordination study
- Wind study
- Basic design
- Technical specifications
- Calibration of PLS CADD and tower programs
- Tower and foundation design
- Tower spotting with LIDAR technology
- Tower type testing.